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Birmingham’s Public Art ISBN978 1 7396457 1 7
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Publishing local books of Birmingham is an area I have worked around since
the early 1990s. The first edition of Positively Birmingham hit the streets in
September 1994, published by our small publishing house, which we called
Birmingham Picture Library.
This venture brought together my interest in photojournalism and publishing,
with skills gained in different ways, but especially as I edited over 300 editions
of a monthly magazine ACB News. I had taken a black and
white magazine in 1988 and turned it into a full colour
monthly magazine with extensive use of photos and this
was a great learning experience.
The public art of Birmingham has always fascinated me. I
used it to help explain the city in Positively Birmingham. I
gradually got to understand some of the reasons that
Birmingham has such a large and diverse range of public
art. In the 2006 I helped with a book which tried to
encourage people to appreciate art on our streets.
However my photography for that book was in large part
not reproduced well. So back as far as 2007 I first had the idea of producing a
‘coffee table’ style book of the city’s public art - where the story is told with
photos that shout at you every time you turn the page.
Understanding what public art comprises
So, my book Birmingham’s Public Art has been a long time in the making, and
quite rightly so. To write a book of authority in this domain requires a deep
understanding of the whole area of public art, with the bringing together of a
lot of different and sometimes complex thought lines. Before I started the
book I enjoyed studying books by Cher Krause Knight and also Tess Jaray,
along with lectures and discussions by Vivien Lovell, who did so much in
Birmingham in the 1990s, and who speaks with authority on public art. See
the video link here and also the end
of this blog for further links. My
researches leleft me with the
strong feeling that even the
different ways that public art is
defined were complex and
sometimes controversial. Add to
that the shifting sand of what one
includes as public art, with street
art and murals, as well as temporary and performance related public art
increasingly within the envelope, and one is entering a complex arena to say
the least. My book is not aimed primarily at academics but it certainly requires
an academic foundation. However, it was vitally important to be able to refine
this academic stuff into clear thought lines for a general readership.
Time to Act
In December 2021 it was time for action – which meant starting one of what
ended up as four project planning note books. An initial plan and idea of the
book was drawn up and then a
‘first-cut’ idea of chapter titles and
a writing and photography
timeline. These books are the rock
on which the work is built. From
making notes from online seminars
to project reviews and lists of
photos to take. Basically a
production diary – something I
learnt the importance of in my
20’s when I grappled with writing
up my PhD followed by
professional exams study in the
evenings after a busy day at work.
Of course targets are good but
when they are not kept to that is
not a a problem as long as we
regroup and carry on. For this
project an initial optimistic 8
month plan turned into nearly two
years. Some of this was due to
other things coming along to fill up
a retired Pathology Director’s life. For example, the decision to produce a 5th
edition of Discovering Birmingham tourist guide in summer 2022 to coincide
with the Commonwealth Games, along with the offer of a pop-up shop in
Great Western Arcade, meant Birmingham’s Public Art went on the back
burner for a while. In retrospect though thought lines in the book were
formed over this time and hopefully have added depth to the text that
accompanies the photography.
This is not a book that can be published very often, and getting the timing
right is key to success. In summer 2022 it became apparent that the biggest
thing to happen in Birmingham’s public art was the one night stand of the
Raging Bull at the Commonwealth Games. Raging Bull moved on to be a huge
success as a temporary piece of public art in Centenary Square. When it was
announced that it would be back as a permanent piece in summer 2023 the
timing of the book’s publication, and the front cover became self-fulfilling.
Photography assignments
With public art all over the city, undertaking the photography for this book
could only be undertaken as a labour of love. No commercial photographer
could revisit sites on numerous occasions, and just
locating the pieces chosen for the book takes time.
Travel by car around the city is ever more tricky
and in the end the use of a mountain bike with a
rather expensive Nikon camera and lenses in the
pannier and tripod strapped to the rack was a great
way of getting around.
The photography started in earnest in spring 2022
and continued, with the last assignments
undertaken in August 2023, A flurry of activity
came in May 2023 when the photo-editor hit upon
the brilliant idea of close-ups of public art for each
chapter start, which lead to the natural progression
of the idea of a close up of the Raging Bull, now
renamed Ozzy, on the front cover. When the first
page proof came in June 2023 there were images
where the origination needed to be improved to do
justice to the ink we were committing!
Text and legends
I am deadline and target driven and the text of an 11 chapter book went to the
text editor on time in February 2023. It was not perfect, but there comes a
point where you need to hand it on. A strong editor is really important for me.
From the big things like suggesting chapters are in the wrong order, right
through to grammatical changes. Just like a PhD thesis, making sure the
introduction and conclusion do not simply repeat themselves is key for this
book, and telling a flowing story is so important for a book of substance.
After a couple of months the editor returned the text and it is back in my
hands for a month. Now is the time to make sure the book is personal to me,
and that I can stand by the final content. Checking out the many helpful
suggestions the editor has made needs plenty of thinking time.
First Page Design …..indicative quotations required!
Bringing the text and photos together is just so exciting. As the author I
suggest photos I would like to go big, but also give my designer a lot of
freedom to use his creative skills. This is the 12th book we have worked on
together so we understand each other well now.
An initial chapter is designed, and I comment that I want more ‘big’ hitting
pictures. A few weeks later the designer comes back after his ‘first cut’ page
layout and with it comes an assessment that the book will form 180 inside
pages, certainly more than initially planned.
The increase in pages requires an early request for indicative printing
quotations. We tend go to printers that we have worked with before. While
we have a good idea what the prices should be, paper price increases after
Covid makes this a somewhat volatile area. When quotes come back we can
see where we are going on the commercial side of this publishing venture. We
agree on a way forward on the basis of this. In this case we bite on the bullet
and set the publication at 180 pages with a hardback thread-sewn binding,
and with a matt laminate finish but no further adornments.
Cut-off for photos and publication date
Several public art projects continued in Birmingham as the book progressed.
For example the revamped Raging Bull was due for installation in New Street
Station concourse in July 2023. There were further art works going into
Digbeth High Street and also Handsworth Park. We tried to design the book
so that late images could be included close to the final deadlines.
For this book the Christmas book market is important, offering the potential
for a quick return. The book publishing industry tends to get a bit frenetic in
the autumn due to this. So, for an early November publication date we need to
sign the book off for printing by early September and hopefully beat the rush.
Business planning and marketing
The process of publishing includes many different facets. For a small
publishing house, it is not possible to be expert in every area. You do have to
choose what you do in-house and what you decide to seek
professional help for. For us the area of editing and pre-press
is something we commit to others. Most of the
rest of the process – as you will see as this blog
progresses we do ourselves.
Marketing and business planning are
fundamental to success. However, while
elements of this need to be introduced at an
early stage, more detailed work needs to be kept
well away from the creative space. Our
approach is to get the fundamentals in place,
including enough market research to
understand the book’s potential and to set a print run. Then leave the spade
work on marketing and public relations until the book is signed off for
To open doors and get people to take you seriously some publishers details
about the book adds a lot. In November 2022 we produced ‘publisher’s
details’ of Birmingham’s Public Art with a teaser cover designed to give a feel
for the likely content. Behind the scenes that included a fairly frank in-house
discussion of the book’s title. For better or worse, the author’s view of a ‘what
it says on the tin’ title won the day over something perhaps more ‘artistic’.
Website to underpin marketing and sales
With internet marketing and social media being absolutely essential for
publishing success it was also decided to develop a website for the book early
on as well. This would we hoped be a
mature site by launch and picked up by
major search engines. Direct sales of our
books have never been huge compared to
internet bookshop sales, but our business
plan needs this to increase for the book to
be a commercial success. So, by spring
2023 the website was up and running, and
included many different ways of gaining
page views, including a variety of blogs
about public art of both Birmingham and
Choice of print partners
We have used several print partners in our publishing adventures. Once the
book’s paging and finishing are fixed then we ask for quotes from three
companies, all known previously to us. Clear details of the size, materials and
finishing along with the quantity to be printed enable companies to quickly
tap the details into their computerised quoting packages. We chose two UK
printers and a large hardback book printer in Malta to quote for this title.
Historically in book publishing a factor based on the basic cost of pre-press
and printing is used to set the retail price. This factor can vary depending on
the market being addressed and is also impacted by the print run. The way
books are sold is also increasingly important - with sales direct from the
publisher, especially in quantity, being increasingly important.
Pricing and print-run conundrum
Our most successful book Positively Birmingham has had five editions with
print runs from 3,500 to 12,000 ,and has generally sold out without being
remaindered. Not a bad track record for a hard back book with a very local
target audience. However, the book market has changed and for Birmingham’s
Public Art it is difficult to gauge sales potential. A large print run can get the
base cost per book down and offers a way to a more attractive retail price, but
if you get it wrong the result is a warehouse full of unsold books.
We are keen that Birmingham’s Public Art is a book that the general public
purchase and our market research suggested that keeping the retail price at
or below £20 is key. In the end our chosen way forward is to keep the print run
of the first edition relatively low but at a level that we can still make the book
affordable. Then, if the book ‘takes off’ we can more quickly move to a second
edition, which can include some of the new public art which has not made our
August 2023 deadline.
You can do too much market research. However, one approach I use is to visit
what is now Birmingham’s only major bookshop - nice and early when it is
quiet and the staff have some time. I pick up what looks like the best selling
local book and head to the checkout and we look up how many copies they
have sold. In this case I chose a book that had been out four months, was
priced at £14 in paperback and in the same market area as mine. The store had
sold 175 copies and confirmed it was currently their best selling local interest
book. That was pretty good figures and great market research.
Page proof arrives, 30th June 2023
Wow! This is the time to get excited….and also the start of the next phase. The
major work through July includes:
Send to readers and await their comments.
Updates and final photos - including the book cover shot which can’t be
taken yet.
Update for photos the designer is not happy with - about 15 in total.
Sort out permissions of archive photos.
Permissions for street art photos.
Contact key people and send relevant
pages for comment.
At this stage things can seem daunting.
Will the weather be right for the final
photos is key pressure. Some things at this
stage you just have to take off the list - so
public art that is not yet installed is
ruthlessly dropped. When you have a full
page proof it is important to try and not
play around to much -as it is expensive in
time and cost.
Back to the designer 27th July
After nearly four intensive weeks the
corrected proof is sent back to the
designer along with some updated and
new photos. Certainly a lot has happened.
In particular artists who produce murals
and graffiti have all been contacted to
make sure they are happy to have their
work in the book. Comments have also
come back from my ‘critical reader’.
The launching of the new and hugely
impressive Ozzy the Bull on New Street
Station concourse could not have been better timed. The camera came out yet
again for this - and we will see what use we make of that morning’s
photography when the book is published.
Final Page Proof Monday 14th August
The final photo shoot was on
Sunday 13th August. They
were added in and yet
another low resolution
page proof produced. The
key things to do now are:
Final sign-off of photos.
Text - final check for
‘typos’ and a final
‘critical reader’ to check for everything from ‘political’
issues to artists names spelt incorrectly.
Final Proof Reader Changes
The final proof reading included looking for any key omissions
and also considering issues such as modern wording to ensure
the book is suitable for schools etc. It did lead to a final photo
shoot for one key missed image and also some changes to the
final chapter discussion. Once included the final page proof
came back with just 19 ‘typos’, which went for correction over
the August bank holiday.
Final Sign-Off
We ended up with the final changes in on 30th August 2023 -
pretty much exactly as the timetable set back in the winter
suggested. Next it is time to produce the high resolution files
and send them to the printer in Malta. They put the files into
their systems and we receive a final PDF ‘printer’s proof’
which shows the pages as they will will be transferred to the
press. You can have a physical
paper proof but with today’s
modern printing calibration
this is just overkill and adds
both cost and time.
Gentle start to marketing
The walking tour part of our
business integrates into our publishing and business model.
We decided to set up a new
walking tour with the same
name as the book. We
launched the tour at
Birmingham Heritage Week
and put it up to run four
These tours attracted a lot of
interest and bookings, making for busy tours. This gave us a
bunch of people who were interested in Birmingham’s public
art - a very key target audience.
Book Launch Planning & Invitations
Organising a book launch is not to be taken on lightly. From
the choice of venue, people to invite, work on the build up and
then the day itself - pretty full-on. Key things for us:
Venue: from a number of options one just fell out of the bag as
perfect. So Birmingham City University’s STEAMhouse it is!
Invite List: An eclectic mix - from those that have helped,
artists featured in the book, through to national media.
Previous experience informs us that we can expect 30%
accepting and on the day perhaps only 70% show up.
Budget and sponsors: We look for a sponsor for ‘book for
every school’ and also for the refreshments for the launch.
Both are hard work and in the end we decide to just assign
some marketing budget to the food & drink. The ‘book for
every school’ nearly had a couple of takers - but company
‘community project’ budgets are often ‘frozen’ at present.
However we have another idea for that……
Sending launch invites: Email is the only
way now. You have to comply with data
protection and also ensure that the email
systems do not decide you are sending
spam. A well constructed email and PDF
invite attachment with low file size is
how we approached things - but no one
way is perfect. We sent invites out 6
weeks in advance. Positive replies will
get a reminder email a few days before the
event with ‘joining instructions’.
New camera research…
All this stuff is a lot of pressure - so you need something to
make it all feel worthwhile! So, after a period of research, a
second-hand camera and lens is on the way to replace the 8-
year old brace of Nikon D4’s
that have served recent
book projects so well.
The trendy thing now is for
mirrorless cameras. Along
with the new technology
new lens mounts have been
designed meaning you need
a whole new set of lenses.
After a week of deliberation the purchase of a five year old
Nikon D850 and 24mm lens was the prudent choice - it has the
benefit of a modern sensor and still my trusty collection of
Nikon lens’ can all carry on working for the next project.
Early copies of the book arrive
On Monday 2nd October two early copies of the book arrive.
They are beautifully wrapped up in tissue paper and sent by
TNT from Malta. This is the moment of reckoning. You sit back
and look at the book and pretend you are a customer in a
bookshop. You look at the cover, flick through inside and then
…..you check the back for the
price. This is the 12th time I
have done this. In 1994 with
the first edition of Positively
Birmingham I remember
saying to myself: “Bit
expensive, £15-99 in posh
paperback”. Of course books
were much more expensive
then and in fact it sold out in under a year.
Today, with Birmingham’s Public Art my immediate thoughts
were: “What a stunning book….great price!”. If anything it feels
under priced, and £25-00 or even £30-00 would not look out
of place on the back cover. The printing is superb and finishing
and binding impressive. As for the design - that works so well
and the cover is going to generate huge interest and draw
people in. As for the detail - I just love the head and tail bands
being the same red as Ozzi’s
eye. We never asked for
paper samples - as we trust
our printer to provide the
most suitable and this 170
gsm paper, with a slight
sheen works really well.
This is certainly the same
quality printing we got with
our last hardback book:
Invention and Design; Elkington of Birmingham, but of course this
new book is much more substantial. Our printer in Malta,
Gutenberg, is certainly up there with the best when you want
fine art printing. To produce the book so quickly, from us
supplying high resolution files to books loaded on pallets in
just a month is extremely impressive.
Of course attention now turns to the five pallets of books
currently snaking their way north through Italy, Germany and
France to arrive in the next few days in Birmingham.
Off to sell a book….the acid test
Now we have a real book to show buyers it is time to go into
selling mode….and that is much more tricky than it was back in
1994. Let’s see how we get on!
Book sales are complex and for a local publisher like ourselves
we have to try and understand the different markets sectors.
Where books are sold….
In simple terms we have:
Direct sales through our website: We have been doing
this since 2015 but it is not that successful. However, it is
important to have this as one of the internet sales
Website Sales on internet bookshops: It is extremely
important to understand and work with internet
booksellers. Once the ISBN is registered then details
percolate through to many, but not all internet shops. For
example Amazon had the book on at a pre-publication
offer with 6% off a day or so after we registered it.
Wordery on the other hand does not show the book until
UK wholesalers have stock of the book. There is currently
only one book wholesaler supplying the internet
booksellers in the UK and it is vital that you work well with
them. This requires some direct form filling and separately
supplying the front cover to them. For a new title talking to
your allocated buyer and persuading them to take a stock
of the book is crucial.
Bookshops: We only have two general bookshops in
Birmingham city centre – Waterstones and Foyles, and
behind the scenes they are the same company. As they
work through the UK wholesaler as well for most local
books you must get to understand who does the buying for
local books. We will always try and get the book into
branches of WH Smith, but that is down to local store
managers and in practice far from easy. Other outlets such
as the tourism shop and art galleries and the like are also
possible places to approach.
Get to meet key staff
A copy of the actual book makes it far easier to get some
orders. However, it is hard for an author to sell their own book.
Be prepared to receive some fairly direct feedback. For
bookshop staff it is extra work to order local books on top of
the stuff that comes down from London buyers and there are
all sorts of reasons given for not ordering your life’s work.
Often people do not realise they are talking with the author
and say some pretty hard to hear things about you life’s work!
Discounting is another area you need to understand. You may
still get away with 40% discount for small orders, but really
50% is becoming a minimum. For Positively Birmingham John
Lewis in Grand Central took it coming up to Christmas but at
65% discount – which actually saw us supplying without a
margin. Worse still on the 3
January they phoned up and
requested we take all the unsold books back and stopped
stocking the book.
Marketing Materials
While we wait for the book to be delivered
we get on and produce key marketing
tools, which include:
An A5 leaflet - both PDF and printed
Roller banner for display at the launch
and events
Update to our walking tour brochure
We have a tiny marketing budget. Key
costs for these items are design and then
production for items that need printing.
We use an internet based print company
for items like this. They offer great prices
and amazing service - for example 5,000
leaflets come to you a couple of days after
uploading the high-res designs and the quality is superb. While
many people talk about marketing moving to internet/socials
and away from print, we find there
is still a real use for printed leaflets
as well. All our items have the same
branding - colour schemes, fonts
etc. We also try and remember to
put the QR code on - which takes
you to the website front page.
Small publishing house!
Yes, on 9th October, a week or so
ahead of the project timeline the
bulk delivery arrived. The pallets
weigh about 500kg and it is a relief
when they are all safely on the drive
of our ‘small publishing house’!
Book storage is a key cost in publishing and we have on
occasions used warehouse space for large print runs.
However, for this book we have avoided that - both by keeping
the first edition print run quite tight and by creating some
space within our family home and outbuildings.
Moving the books on to a UK wholesaler
We actually managed to
ship the best part of a
pallet out same day, to
fulfil an order to the UK
wholesaler. Gardners are
based in Eastbourne. The
order is based on pre-
sales to bookshops and
also internet shops. The
main bookshops in the
UK now work with
wholesalers even for local
Forty boxes of books along with the pallet weighed over 400
kg, and called for our first ever use of an online pallet company.
We went for next day delivery and this was a lot less work and
risk of damage than
sending individual
boxes as we are more
used to. The pallet
was picked up at
16.30 and the taillift
just about managed
to get it into the
lorry! It arrived in
Eastbourne by 11.00
the next day.
Gardners stock levels easy to see
The Gardners website has an open access search facility on
the front page. You can look up any book and see what stock
levels they have in their warehouse. If you look up the current
best seller you may see stock levels of around 1,000. For our
books we see levels between 6 to 30 generally. Birmingham’s
Public Art went on their system the same day it was delivered
and showed 28 available - which means that bookshop and
internet orders had already been over 300.
How do you gauge
marketing success
In marketing and public relations a key issue is always how to
measure the success of you efforts. Essentially you need a tool
to do this - which can directly feedback on a marketing
As a small publisher we use two tools:
Gardners stock levels - as above
Amazon Best Sellers Rank - this is for us a real time gauge
of how the book is selling. One has to assume that sales on
this internet bookshop platform mirror other outlets, but
overall we find this a useful and almost ‘real time’ tool with
marketing and social media efforts quickly seeing a
change in the Amazon Best Sellers Rank. In the old days
we used to go in the large Waterstones in New Street and
ask staff to give us sales figures.
Building up to the launch
The publication date of the book is the date that the book is
officially released, with for example Amazon pre-orders being
sent out that day. In practice local book
shops do not seem to embargo the book
but put it on the shelf once they receive
supplies. Our launch event is a week
after the official publication date.
We sent our a press release to local
media and also to more specialist national and international
media. We had an early success with a journalist working fo
the Westside bid. That is useful in its own right - and we add a
link to the front page of the book’s website. It can also help
with getting other media interest.
We set up a page for press releases and photos and images for
use in editorial. PowerPoint slides are also designed for people
to download and use in talk.
Social Media
A programme of small video clips
was devised to use as one part of the
backbone of the social media
marketing. We have reasonable
Instagram, X, Facebook and YouTube
accounts. However social media
marketing is far from easy to get right
and we are not experts. A primary aim is to create awareness
of the book and then drive on to sales. We want to strongly
support local bookshops that are
supporting us.
However with around 50% of book sales
being through Amazon we need to also
market for internet based sales as well.
This is particularly the case for this title
which we feel has national and
international sales potential. We
checked out Amazon sites in several
countries. On the Dutch site the book
was available at Euro 21.22 with free
postage - cheaper at £18-51 than on the
UK site. We really do not understand all
this but the key thing is that when we
market to guests from overseas on our walking tours, that
they will be able to buy locally when they get home.
We will also trial some social media advertising starting with
Facebook from publication date.
Further Reading
Below are key sources of information that Jonathan Berg used as he
worked on his book Birmingham’s Public Art.
Books on Birmingham’s Public Art
Public Sculpture of Birmingham, George Noszlopy, 1998, Liverpool University
Birmingham Public Sculpture Trails, George Noszlopy & Fiona Waterhouse,
2007, Liverpool University Press.
Desire Lines, The public art of Tess Jaray, Ridinghouse, 2016.
General Books on Public Art
Public Art; Theory, Practice and Populism, Cher Krause Knight, 2008, Blackwell
A Companion to Public Art. Cher Krause Knight and Harriet F Senie, Wiley
Blackwell, 2016.
Links to Lectures & Discussions
Sculpture Space and Place Symposium, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra,
May 2013 YouTube Link….
The art of Urban memory, Vivien Lovell and discussion, March 2021, You Tube
In December 2021 the first of 4 notebooks laying
out the initial concepts for: Birmingham’s public art
including ideas for chapters and business planning.
Writing & publishing
Birmingham’s Public Art
By Jonathan Berg